Thursday, March 28, 2013

Moving Parts

Inhale to lift the ribs off the waistline, turn left at the intersection, exhale to pull organs up and under ribs making space in the spine, pick up milk for coffee , get coffee, catch bus, and begin to pump arms inhaling for five exhaling for five, sprint to job interview in five minutes, grab lunch, schedule moving truck, pay phone bill, figure out taxes,pick child up from school, oh wait did i take child to school, deliver flowers, schedule workshop, oh wait am I on an exhale or inhale... (Insert big belly laugh here). For many of you this will probably sound familiar and if not you must have super powers or your just bored and need to go out there and in the words of my girl Britney "DO SOMETHING"!

   I was talking to the man in my life yesterday and at one point he said "I know your stressed, overwhelmed...". I had to correct him because although I do have allot going on right now and I often feel like I am the ball in a ping pong match, I am handling it and more importantly having fun with it. In saying that if something else was to drop on my plate I might just melt down but for now I am holding the reins, squeezing my thighs and enjoying the gallop.

 In this training course we (the students) have started to begin our teaching hours, we need to complete 950 hours total of teaching, observation, lessons, personals, case study, and miscellaneous, tis allot. Now that I have started to teach, more and more its all starting to make sense. Looking at a persons body and the way it moves and why they do certain things is FASCINATING, its unreal sometimes. Finding ways to provide more space into the spine, deepen the belly scoop, guiding a person to breathe in general, helping them find space in their chest so the breath can travel further providing circulation into the tips of the fingers, guiding all their moving parts and building into their awareness so when they leave me they stay in it carrying it with them with each step they take.

Its a theme for sure with me but in truth it should maintain the magnanimous place i put it in, breathe. We have all these moving parts to deal with. One foot in front of the other, which phone call to place first, the order of the life list which bullet gets priority, how to deal with it all, can we deal with it all. The answer to that question is yes, yes we can. We must breathe, if you forgot you were on an inhale or exhale just breathe because I am certain nothing is getting done for you if you don't. This is one of those priceless lessons you can take with you, it may seem silly to you, but you would be surprised how many people i see often who just hold their breath, more people than not and I used to be one of them.

                At the end day with all your moving parts breathe and go find a good friend to HUG!

                              Octopus Hug, well their mating but talk about your moving parts!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Rolling with my Homies!


Nothing beats California weather and the friendship of a seven year old. Pictured above is my buddy Parker and I taking advantage of some good ol climbing trees. I think we must have sat in those trees for at least and hour. We chatted about the view, our mutual love of trees and all the birds and the bees (actual birds and bees not the act of pollination:)) from his tree top perch to mine.   
When we finally climbed down from our perch , we became scavengers  and pirates of some one else's rubbish, we made out well! Parker came away with a bag full of money and jewels and I stepped away in a pair of Christian Louboutins, granted they were well loved before my feet ever hit them, but hey who's counting the steps in a four hundred dollar pair of shoes?

Rolling into the evening with my other homie, which so happens to be Parkers mamacita. Dinner then a show ensued. 
"Have we melted yet" was a show put on by one of my Pilates teachers Aura Fischbeck. This was a first for me seeing a modern dance "raw" performance. I can now say i am addicted.  This show to me was about the many layers of "us" of "you". We are all constantly growing and evolving into the  different  layers of our  selves. A quote that was used a few times in the show and one of my favorite books " Wherever you go there you are" brought that home for me. Aura danced a piece in the beginning shedding all her layers to us but in the end whatever layer was being showed at the time in the end it was still Aura. It had me thinking today, now even, about the many layers of my soul. How often I have evolved into different aspects of my already self, and thank goodness for it eh.  In the end though modern dance is like a Picasso painting, everyones going to get something different out of it, and thats the magical beauty of it all.

I believe in change. I believe that giving up something say for instance...can you think of something that you do, that you "think" is just who you are but it affects other people in a negative way? Instead of trying to change that behavior you find yourself saying "but thats just who I am". When does that not become okay? Why would you not want to evolve into a different version, unwrap a new layer of someone that you already are but haven't given the time/energy to know yet. In my opinion  its the unawareness of self and fear of losing self.  Knowing that you can change the patterned behavior into something that works better for you and those around you, a healthier, positively, better balanced existence calls on a pretty hefty belief system, but its there for the taking. If you find yourself saying "its just who i am" or maybe this one "I'm old, I'm not going to change", i challenge you to go against that step out on the ledge and continue to unravel the many layers of self,your never to old or to young. "Wherever you go there you are" you can give up as many of the bad habits as you want but you can never give up you. 

Its amazing what your body can do if you allow it to change and give it the chance. Imagine what your mind can achieve...

Alrighty ,thats enough for deep talk on a sunday morning:) Im heading out into the sunshine!

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Green Room

 When I get on the Ellen show I am going to take her through the green room! AH HA you want to know don't cha? Well good, because I'm going to let you in on a little secret , the GREEN ROOM is the best place to go if you are one of those people who have a hard time bending your spine. Upper or lower or middle for that matter you don't bend there. Well you do but it takes work, trust me.

Cathy Grant a student and protege' of Joseph Pilates, Grant taught the Pilates method for more than fifty years. She as I understand it was a teacher of magnitude that was so enraptured by the rhythm of her students in her classes she could make a dozen people change their body with one image, so she didn't have to talk as much, smart lady. Grant quite smartly came up with the "green room" and if your not familiar with the proper term it is a place where dancers or performers go to prep for the open curtain call. In Grant's "green room" it is the stuck or weak spot in your body, mostly we refer to it while doing roll downs, rolling like a ball, or any exercises really, that can create spinal flexion.  Try it now!!  My teacher for a whole hour pretty much, had me do this working through my three green rooms, yeah there are three rooms in my spine 3,5, and 7. So how about you get down on the floor in this position

 okay great so your here, now take a few deep breaths inhaling letting the ribs fill lifting the cage off 
your waistline, exhale keep the ribs lifted pull the organs in and up "scoop" allowing for space for the 
spine to bend and decompress. Thinking about your tailbone being one and the crown of the head 
being ten start slowly rolling down to your mat. Keep your head in the roll ...when you come to a tight 
spot that doesn't feel like bending stop . roll back up from there. continue again, slowly working down 
and back up stopping at each "green room". When you finish you will feel like gumby and on your 
way to a healthier, flexible spine, like me!

on a side note, Super Excited to go see my friend Auras show tomorrow night check it out here!!  
copy and paste into your url.

 yay AURA!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Full Expression

 I do apologize for the space that has been happening between my posts, sorry I will try to be more on top my writing game here. A little run down on my last two weeks quick and light...boyfriend came into town, house sat for some good friends, took some much needed down time(pros and cons), auditioned with my sister for the amazing race, lost job because of it ( a blessing i am no ones ass shiner butt my own, if ya know what i mean) , interviewed for better job feeling good about it, and now until i know have more time for what i really want PILATES. I cannot wait for the day when that is all i get to do for a money maker something I love, something I really believe in, something that helps you and me.

   Coming into weekend three after knowing how hard weekend two was for me was really daunting. My fellow classmates and i have been able to spend more time together recently in classes, skills workshops, and now lectures. Having their support and being able to see them move and talk about the challenges we come across in learning, practice, and teaching is so great to helping better understand the work and better yet the full expression of what Pilates can really mean for every individual.

I am so excited to be moving into level four work although some of my body still needs to be at a lower level its very satisfactory when you ask your body to do something it responds with readiness and a hopeful willingness. There is always the battle of the wits happening "i feel"anyway with your self or some of you might relate better to good guy, bad guy image, I urge you to put aside both and just listen to your teacher, and then talk to him/her and then listen some more.

Thats it for tonight ya'll Im feeling good, I am feeling light and blessed I hope my message finds you much the same. goodnight!
My heart!

Friday, March 1, 2013


Today is I have no idea and when i think about it have no idea how i got here. Things are happening fast and at a speed i have a hard time keeping up with , which is surprising even to myself for I have always been a full throttle kind of a girl. I guess the pace of life has finally caught up to me or I to it?

I have officially started to practice teach a few close friends and will be adding to the list next week. Even though it has been friends the task at hand is daunting. There are many things happening in the human body in one single movement, so many things I could point out, that I want to address and then there is the whole" okay stop talking i just got to get them through this " moment.

It is fascinating working so closely with another humans body. To examine it as it moves and be so close to the sometimes pain it can create, then a little cue is given or changes in the angle of the foot are made and I watch how everything changes in the body at work, watch as the blood is circulated adding color and heat, the pain or tightness melts away, ITS AWESOME!

My friend and co -worker has agreed to be one of my practice clients. After meeting with her for the first time today i could not be happier to her teacher.We are embarking on a great journey together and it will be fascinating for both of us to see the changes that occur, I believe I can provide good guidance and practice to give life back to her feet and hands this is my goal.They say that scars are the road map to the soul... in life and in Pilate's the feet are the atlas to the body. What we do to and how we use our feet has a direct correlation to what happens in our bodies, often times and Ive said it before buts its the things that need the extra special attention that hardly get any attention. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR FEET.

On another more personal note the man in my life came back into my life four days ago. Oh there is so much to say but like the feet its hard to find the time, the strength, the energy, to just put in that extra oomph to make it a little bit better for yourself. Where is the balance in this chaotic life ? Where do we let go? What do we hold on to ? How do we make another mind understand? My friend said to me tonight and I loved it . She said that just like Pilate's you have to be gentle , time is a must, and some days your body is not going to do or move as you wish but you focus ,you let go of the desire to force the control , you let go and breathe knowing tomorrow is another day.