Thursday, August 15, 2013

Artistic Language

In an observed teaching I was participating with yesterday there was a discussion between myself, my teacher and our instructor about the art of language.Good Communication is the most important tool I believe a person could have on their tool belt. I have talked before about how in Pilates the cues we give one client may not work for another client.  Having a progressive, dynamic word bank helps achieve the results in any client and in my mind could help to increase your clientele in many directions.

Why am I talking about this? I have had the pleasure and pain of acting as the body for a few of my peer Pilate's trainees. I say pleasure because  I get to move my body for free , listen to whats being asked of me as an educator , and learn allot about the things i need to work on within my body. I say pain because  some of what you hear is brutally honest and sometimes brings into light things you were not aware of ,which at first can be hard to deal with. Example: I never in a million years thought my inner thighs were weak or that access to my pelvic floor was difficult because of my weak lower abdominals. When you leave a lesson hearing the words weak, non accessible, can leave you feeling deflated and unsuccessful. I mean granted in this program I have to take those things with a grain of salt and work through them for in the end all of it, is what gives me the joyful wisdom to become a great teacher to my clients and myself.

 Artistic Language may be defined in many ways and is a very general term. For instance someone yelling profanities on the street could be considered artistic language, a soft, sweet, love song, deliberations, sounds of lovemaking, interpretive dance, in my mind they all are forms of artistic language.The basic fundamentals I believe that make up a good artistic linguist are the words chosen to complete the sentence/s. The second most important fundamental in my opinion( and this is all in my opinion readers) is knowing awareness of your audience or client.

 Just recently I had a light bulb go off when I realized that I used the word "tight" quite often with one of my clients in relevance to overused muscles. Realizing the negative effect it was having on her i opted to change the word with something that would provide a positive spin on the way it was being used, so I simply said "overworked". It's amazing what one little word can do for a persons emotions but since I switched it up she has been able to work through that tightness in a more desirable approach.

 An artist who looks at a blank canvas looking for inspiration from the vast emptiness of the white cloth  carefully or maybe with aggression makes the first stroke and from there builds to achieve the image that he wants, so does the musicianwho strums many a chord looking for the right tune to match his lovely words, the photographer who sits for hours looking at the same scene, waiting for the perfect light, it might take these artists years to accomplish something their actually proud of, truly, truly but they keep waiting, stroking, and strumming until they do. Just as you and I can keep practicing using our words perfecting our artistic language.

Knowing who your talking to is the second fundamental tool important in using artistic language effectively. I have clients that range from doctors to surfers, to computer nerds ( i use the term nerd endearingly here i love a nerd i think their sexy as hell) there is no way that i can speak the same speak with all of them, they just wont get it. Some minds are more analytical than others so I always feel with those clients I better have my answers ready. With the event planner who just wants to move and feel things just because i may know big words for the human body she may not want to hear them, which is fine its not about one upping my client showing off my brain, its about feeding them in a way that is useful and beneficial to both of you.

So I take it to the streets...Just as it is in the studio to be mind full of your words so it is in real life, they hurt be careful . Know who your talking to, are you talking to a long time friend or someone you just met, not everyone is going to get you and you may not get everyone at first, but I believe if you practice  art in the form of language the world and everyone in it is your oyster.

I am NO where close to perfecting this skill and I make word choice mistakes all the time, but perhaps  a third fundamental tool to practice is awareness for when the mistakes been made acknowledgement, apologize if necessary and be more careful the next time.

My favorite word in the whole world of words is " Perseverance", whats yours?

 Wikipedia has its own definition for artistic language which is an art in and of itself but feel free to review.

Have a colorful Day!