Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Value of Details

okay so you know what I have sat in my chair for three hours today trying to write this blog with the subject of details to discuss and got NO where...I was to caught up in the details of details to get any where!!! If Alanis Morisette was to add a new verse to Ironic  this would be a contender for a fitting subject, sheesh. 

So as not to waste to much more of my day before i go to work  and as not to get you trapped in a maze of my details to details I will only say this...

Details are important. The smaller the detail the more weight it bears in importance ( i spelled bears like that with intent).  You can spend as much time on the big details of life as you want but in the end the deal breaker or gainer is going to be the smallest of the smallest detail that will be noticed. In my practice of Pilate's its the smallest movements created by calling on the smallest muscles that gives me the biggest feelings and most effective form of strength. 

In my one on on sessions with my clients I am challenged to notice the details of the body that may create the hip hike, or the shoulder shove, or why they hyper extend their knees when they stand, why their lumbar spine bends but the thoracic spine doesn't, why someone just struggles with deep breathes. All of those things I see regularly, what i am training to see and focusing my attention on now is the smaller details that create the big details, Vale? It is very hard,  first there needs to be the understanding of how the human body is made up, and as we know the body is beautiful and complicated with a million little details.  As with everything this learning and understanding will take time and patience, its a willingness to change, grow, and opening yourself up to the truth that you will be wrong sometimes and that is okay for everything is a educational experience. 

                                    Pay attention to small details, they create new life and can bring re-birth.

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