Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Brew that is good for You!

Do you find yourself cramping up on long runs? or maybe when working the foot in a new direction? or perhaps right before you drift off to sleep?
You could be in need of Potassium and I know a great brew that could give you just that and much much more.  Okay here we go so simple, so easy, and the abundance you get can be frozen to save or give away to help a friend.

What you need:

  •  The SKIN from three potatoes (scrub the taters but lightly as to keep the potatoes minerals on the skin)adding the potato whole by the way creates a much to much starchy brew, so just the skin.
  •  1 onion cut in half leave the SKIN ON
  •  2 whole cloves of Garlic SKIN ON
  •  Carrots I use 3 cut into large pieces
  •  Celery again 3 into large pieces
  •  Mushrooms I like shitake and at least 8 whole
  •  Ginger to your liking again SKIN ON
  •  Lots and Lots of KALE and I mean LOTS
Cover all ingredients just so with water bring to boil then simmer. You can simmer for forty minutes if your in a hurry but i like to simmer for at least a couple if not a few hours. Strain into mason jars, let cool and then place in fridge or freezer.

Such a good brew and so good for you, kinda looks like urine but a great replacement to morning coffee or tea, add spinach to it for a healthy lunch or dinner. I like to sometimes add soy sauce or sesame oil to drink as a aperitif to dinner or snack, reminds me of Miso that way.
  The amounts of things to due with this killer potassium brew are endless, give a whirl and your body will live for it, promise!

 Its not that complex, so go ahead brew your blues aways!!

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