Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The crave that is Kombucha!

AH! They are my weakness and the lack of control that comes with tasting just one is a bit terrifying. 

Me and Kombucha
I fell in love with Kombucha before ever moving to Cali. I had just moved back from overseas and an old friend that i lived with for a spell happened to be brewing it in her kitchen. I remember the first taste was not very pleasant but my palette turned to like it, then to love it, then to kinda crave it. 

Me and Chocolate (sweets in general)
 I get it from my father and his father and probably his father father. It is a need that seems to be never met. No matter how full or un hungry i may be there is always room, always. 

Me, Kombucha, and Chocolate
  Living on the east coast the introduction to Kombucha was slow going I suppose, therefore making it harder to get your hands on, and the flavors not so plentiful. Moving to the west coast however changed the availability completely and wherever I turned there was the beloved bottle and a new flavor i had yet to try, so inevitably I went on a Kombucha kick for months. Everyday I would at least have two, morning and afternoon, sometimes evening. A very interesting thing happened that i didn't realize until this very afternoon, as i walked home through the park, it hit I HARDLY HAD SWEETS when I drank the stuff on the regular, my body did not crave the sweets!
 Now I arrived to this kind of conclusion that Kombucha kicked my eating sweets habit after two different conversations.
  The first one was last night while talking to my friend Jeni, we spoke of how we hadn't had regular Kombucha intake in a month, like seriously I realized at that moment I hadn't spilled the sweet fermented liquid down my throat in a month at least. My next realization that sweets and Kombucha were linked was talking to my teacher today. I was speaking to her about how i felt yucky because I had been eating allot of sweets lately, like allot. Brownies, Cookies, bars, ice cream, apple crisp, graham cracker chews, ugh its gross really. Then as i was walking through the park it hit me , like a rogue wave to the face " Drinking Kombucha on the regular totally killed my sweet tooth cravings!".

Now, this all seems pretty logical but i needed some back up in case anyone was gonna second guess my miraculous finding so here are a few links that give me some back up and why I am certain that it works for me the way it does. Looks like i wasn't the only one to find this out.

For me I drank the stuff because i knew it was somehow good for me and yes i liked the taste and it gave me energy, but knowing what I know now makes me appreciate the stuff even more and will certainly be not taking too many more extended vacations away. If you one of those people like me (uhhum Dad) then I would highly advise you to take the thirty day Kombucha challenge. Sugar is one of the highest reasons we as a nation are so obeist, sluggish, and lazy so go one see how you feel and then tell a friend. There is a reason for every Craze.
                          By the old gods and the new gods I do declare the stuff wondrous! 
Game of thrones anyone:)

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