Monday, April 15, 2013


To be free of time is to be free of the psychological need of past for your identity and future for your fulfillment"

 Sometimes the hardest decisions are the best ones to make. Sometimes emotions can shadow what is really the truth and some times those truths conflict with the raw emotion of feelings. Yeah, i know its hard for me to wrap my head around too. Truth. You don't know that you have made the right decision until its been made and its funny much like finding the love of your life some say"you just know".

 Last year i made a very hard decision choosing my Pilates Teacher Training program leaving my land of pleasant living and moving to one of the most expensive cities in the country. Best decision I have ever made in the past three years... moving to New Zealand five years a ago was a pretty damn good decision too.

Today I made another hard decision, it went against everything i had put so much faith and energy into but I know it was right because a lightness swept over me like I was free, free to be me and love me just the way I am without worry. Evolution, although our fancy medicines have stunted our evolutionary growth as a species we as individuals are constantly moving on the up and up or so we can only hope.

In my symposium today we broke down the pelvis and hips, fascinating area of the human body. Most fascinating is becoming aware that the shape and the way our femurs sit in our hip joint while standing on two feet resemble closer to a quadruped. Giving way to the thought that we as a species have not yet fully evolved to our maximum potential and because of modern science probably won't for millions of years to come, pros and cons.
As a choice i decided long ago that modern medicine isn't for me, and yes I am aware that there are circumstances but while I am still healthy, strong, and with a sound mind and because I love the thought of change I give myself to nature, pros and cons.

With everything there are pros and cons, I try to always make the best decision based on the analysis of which one bears more weight, and when in doubt go with your gut it never lies!

I really like this visual and can imagine i am this fluid with a super stable pelvis, my femurs deep in my  antebellum , making my way through the jungle to a secret surf spot where I will magically leap on to a board and ride some sick ass wave! 

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