Monday, May 20, 2013


 So Im one day away from the first of 8 exams in my program! I had a rough week last week but the bounce back has been nothing short of magnanimous. I have amazing teachers who understand because they have been there, they get it, I have friends who keep lifting me up, I have my family, I live in such an amazing place with strangers who remind you that the universe
is here to build you up not tear you down so let it unravel its mysteries in time. Everything has a time and place wait for it and the magic reveals itself, try pulling at it or forcing it and the magic retreats like the setting sun behind the horizon. Do you believe in Magic? I do.

  Right now just take notice of your shoulders...where are they in space? are they shoved up to your ears? rotated forward? tight? loose? just take notice...Many of us suffer from tight necks and shoulders, you might have noticed. With all the activities that we do where we lean forward with our shoulders acting as leaders and our bodies following, such as bending over, cooking, washing dishes, sitting at a desk, driving, and typing its easy to understand why our shoulder girdle area can get tight, sore and over and under developed. The good news is a regular practice of Pilates from the studio to the streets can help strengthen these areas resulting in strong shoulder girdles and decreased pain and tightness.

Our shoulder girdle is compromised of bones, muscles, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels. The bones  that compose the shoulder girdle are the scapula (shoulder blades) and clavicle ( collarbone). Its primary function is to help move the humerous to support activities that the hand performs, such as holding, pushing, pressing, throwing , drawing, typing, holding, etc...If we have weak shoulder girdles it is hard for body to stay connected ex keeping your arms plugged into your back as you paddle or row your boat or as you climb a tree or swing from the nearest branch, i swing from branches whenever i can lucky for me I can do it properly now:)

As a little girl my family and I used to listen to this one radio station I forget the station now but once a week maybe a sunday they had request night and I always requested the song "Your neck bones connected to your back bone..." I loved that song!! Now as an adult it means so much more to me, everything is connected and we have to take care of those connections because if one point of contact fails so do all the rest and the spiral continues. Such as in life we can remember the same rules apply practice is on going to reach some version of success. Even the most advanced Pilates instructors still have shoulder girdle work to work on, its a life long practice and again so is life, we will never be perfect but we can continue the good work in hopes to elevate pain and be granted ease fulness in our day to day journeys.

Ease full ness

When you move like a jellyfish        
Rhythm don't mean nothing 
You go with the flow 
You don't stop 

lyrics by Jack Johnson

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