Monday, May 27, 2013

Using our Hands in a Digital Age.

Today my teacher spoke of wrist/hand movement and the importance of using our fingers in such a way that we can become connected in our whole body.

I have spoke often of the feet and the importance of noticing how we walk, stand, run, etc...Like many of you reading this you probably don't pay much attention to your hand positions as until today i didn't either. Equally as important to our feet however is our hands and wrist,when you think about it , duh , how we could we not pay attention to these imperative extremities that can give us so much strength and health.

We have taken ourselves out of our yards and gardens where we tilled the ground with our hands weeding and digging in the hot sun using the strength from our fingers and for arms to harvest the earth. We have become lazy in the way that now we have bread makers and fancy bakeries to take us out of the kitchen and away from the exhausting task of kneading our bread. We no longer wash our clothes by hand down by the river, or sew our own clothes, on a continuous everyday basis and if you do I apologize and want to extend a huge "GOOD FOR YOU", keep it up!

No alas most of us have found ourselves glued to a computer screen or sitting behind a desk or traveling around in a car for most of our days. This is evolution, this is inventions, and progression the world changes we must change with it or be left behind but that is no excuse to stop paying attention to our bodies and how we use them in our ever changing lives, Kabeesh!

To continue  I would like you to do this EXERCISE with me. Place your hand flat on a surface of any kind, perhaps you are also laying flat on your back hands to your side. Now just notice your body, notice how your upper back feels, your shoulders, your arms, your belly. Now with intent press your thumb further down so your really using the finger pad, and repeat with each finger, taking notice of what turns on, and any other sensations you will find... beautiful is it not?

What you are feeling is the connection that each finger gives us to the rest of our body, two very important ones being the thumb and pinkie, finger, PINKIE very good to get in the habit of using! There are no real muscles in the wrist so using out finger pads and palm muscles is key to any weight bearing activity you are doing.  Your finger pads and palm have a direct correlation to your arm muscles, rotator cuff, shoulder girdle and core. Along the front fascia line of the arm/shoulder girdle
 your thumb connects the radius -> corcoid process-> pec-minor-> and ribs. Along the back fascia line your pinkie finger connects ulna->triceps->scapula->rhomboids->rotator cuff
You might have felt one or perhaps all of these turn on as you changed the pressure application to each of your finger pads. There are countless more angles we could travel into this discussion together but i just ate ice cream and am now sleepy :)

 SO in conclusion while our hands are wrapping around the rolling pin or your grasping your heavy suitcase handle use your palms press your finger pads so you can find a whole body connection. our bodies are designed so that not one muscle or group of muscles has to do all the work, in taking out the old fashion ways we used to live we have taken out the old fashioned ways we used to move.Let's evolve but lets do it healthfully with a connection to not all thats around us but with all that is in us.

Sweet Dreams my little fireflies may you sleep sound.

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