Saturday, May 11, 2013

Getting It.

 "There is a light at the end of the tunnel"
 " There is bad so you know good"
 " keep your chin up"
 " It can only get better" 

and many many more to enlighten us as we push on through to whatever side we are headed. There seems to always be a breaking moment ,at least in my world, a point where the whole entire universe is crashing down on my head and my legs are breaking underneath of the weight.  My heart is heavy with emotion and my brain is weak from trying to support the universe, a daunting task for any non super hero. I wonder to myself "why?". When life is going great, things are starting to look up, things are working out and lives a cruise "why?" then do we get the big plunder? For whatever reason it happens , maybe its a reminder to us that we are not actually super heroes or gods but humans and although we are built amazingly smart we are fragile are skin and bones will crush under weight and pressure , it is important we always remember to equalize.

  I have much to say as much has occured since I last wrote in this space but I feel as though this week I have succumbed to the swamps of Sadness and fear if I revel in that place i most certainly will drown. So in saying that i finally get the metaphor used in one of my favorite movies The Neverending Story" don't let the problems of your day or even your week/month /year get you down, have a cry, do what you have to do then MOVE ON. Leave it be , pick yourself up and GO ,climb onto your luck dragon and fly high for if you don't you will most likely find yourself with bed sores on prozac, FYI I do not have bed sores nor am i on Meds, but i was sad/mad. My pill is Pilates and I need more of it and i need to find a way to make that happen. Stability and Pilates are my prescription for moving on and i am the only one who can fulfill that prescription,just as you are the only one who can fulfill yours.

Never give up and good luck will find you.

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