Friday, March 15, 2013

Full Expression

 I do apologize for the space that has been happening between my posts, sorry I will try to be more on top my writing game here. A little run down on my last two weeks quick and light...boyfriend came into town, house sat for some good friends, took some much needed down time(pros and cons), auditioned with my sister for the amazing race, lost job because of it ( a blessing i am no ones ass shiner butt my own, if ya know what i mean) , interviewed for better job feeling good about it, and now until i know have more time for what i really want PILATES. I cannot wait for the day when that is all i get to do for a money maker something I love, something I really believe in, something that helps you and me.

   Coming into weekend three after knowing how hard weekend two was for me was really daunting. My fellow classmates and i have been able to spend more time together recently in classes, skills workshops, and now lectures. Having their support and being able to see them move and talk about the challenges we come across in learning, practice, and teaching is so great to helping better understand the work and better yet the full expression of what Pilates can really mean for every individual.

I am so excited to be moving into level four work although some of my body still needs to be at a lower level its very satisfactory when you ask your body to do something it responds with readiness and a hopeful willingness. There is always the battle of the wits happening "i feel"anyway with your self or some of you might relate better to good guy, bad guy image, I urge you to put aside both and just listen to your teacher, and then talk to him/her and then listen some more.

Thats it for tonight ya'll Im feeling good, I am feeling light and blessed I hope my message finds you much the same. goodnight!
My heart!

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