Friday, March 1, 2013


Today is I have no idea and when i think about it have no idea how i got here. Things are happening fast and at a speed i have a hard time keeping up with , which is surprising even to myself for I have always been a full throttle kind of a girl. I guess the pace of life has finally caught up to me or I to it?

I have officially started to practice teach a few close friends and will be adding to the list next week. Even though it has been friends the task at hand is daunting. There are many things happening in the human body in one single movement, so many things I could point out, that I want to address and then there is the whole" okay stop talking i just got to get them through this " moment.

It is fascinating working so closely with another humans body. To examine it as it moves and be so close to the sometimes pain it can create, then a little cue is given or changes in the angle of the foot are made and I watch how everything changes in the body at work, watch as the blood is circulated adding color and heat, the pain or tightness melts away, ITS AWESOME!

My friend and co -worker has agreed to be one of my practice clients. After meeting with her for the first time today i could not be happier to her teacher.We are embarking on a great journey together and it will be fascinating for both of us to see the changes that occur, I believe I can provide good guidance and practice to give life back to her feet and hands this is my goal.They say that scars are the road map to the soul... in life and in Pilate's the feet are the atlas to the body. What we do to and how we use our feet has a direct correlation to what happens in our bodies, often times and Ive said it before buts its the things that need the extra special attention that hardly get any attention. PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR FEET.

On another more personal note the man in my life came back into my life four days ago. Oh there is so much to say but like the feet its hard to find the time, the strength, the energy, to just put in that extra oomph to make it a little bit better for yourself. Where is the balance in this chaotic life ? Where do we let go? What do we hold on to ? How do we make another mind understand? My friend said to me tonight and I loved it . She said that just like Pilate's you have to be gentle , time is a must, and some days your body is not going to do or move as you wish but you focus ,you let go of the desire to force the control , you let go and breathe knowing tomorrow is another day. 

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