Thursday, March 28, 2013

Moving Parts

Inhale to lift the ribs off the waistline, turn left at the intersection, exhale to pull organs up and under ribs making space in the spine, pick up milk for coffee , get coffee, catch bus, and begin to pump arms inhaling for five exhaling for five, sprint to job interview in five minutes, grab lunch, schedule moving truck, pay phone bill, figure out taxes,pick child up from school, oh wait did i take child to school, deliver flowers, schedule workshop, oh wait am I on an exhale or inhale... (Insert big belly laugh here). For many of you this will probably sound familiar and if not you must have super powers or your just bored and need to go out there and in the words of my girl Britney "DO SOMETHING"!

   I was talking to the man in my life yesterday and at one point he said "I know your stressed, overwhelmed...". I had to correct him because although I do have allot going on right now and I often feel like I am the ball in a ping pong match, I am handling it and more importantly having fun with it. In saying that if something else was to drop on my plate I might just melt down but for now I am holding the reins, squeezing my thighs and enjoying the gallop.

 In this training course we (the students) have started to begin our teaching hours, we need to complete 950 hours total of teaching, observation, lessons, personals, case study, and miscellaneous, tis allot. Now that I have started to teach, more and more its all starting to make sense. Looking at a persons body and the way it moves and why they do certain things is FASCINATING, its unreal sometimes. Finding ways to provide more space into the spine, deepen the belly scoop, guiding a person to breathe in general, helping them find space in their chest so the breath can travel further providing circulation into the tips of the fingers, guiding all their moving parts and building into their awareness so when they leave me they stay in it carrying it with them with each step they take.

Its a theme for sure with me but in truth it should maintain the magnanimous place i put it in, breathe. We have all these moving parts to deal with. One foot in front of the other, which phone call to place first, the order of the life list which bullet gets priority, how to deal with it all, can we deal with it all. The answer to that question is yes, yes we can. We must breathe, if you forgot you were on an inhale or exhale just breathe because I am certain nothing is getting done for you if you don't. This is one of those priceless lessons you can take with you, it may seem silly to you, but you would be surprised how many people i see often who just hold their breath, more people than not and I used to be one of them.

                At the end day with all your moving parts breathe and go find a good friend to HUG!

                              Octopus Hug, well their mating but talk about your moving parts!

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