Friday, January 18, 2013

A decision was made

The day I decided to become a Pilates instructor was a moment I shall never forget. I had no idea, really, what Pilates was all about, all I knew was that with zero instruction I was about to start teaching to a class of devoted followers.
I remember walking to my small town library and checking out every book on the topic, it was crucial I needed to know "what is Pilates all about?". To answer this question it will take quite some time, so for now I will delay in the history but if your biting your nails with suspense check out Joseph Pilates on the net and dive deep into the world he created.

 For the time we share together now I would like to introduce my blog and my reason behind why I moved from east to west coast for Pilates. To begin i will revert shortly to the previous paragraph and why it was that I ran as fast as my two feet could carry me to the library. You see I had just moved back from New Zealand where I lived for three wonderful years, doing various activities and exploring its secrets. Upon my return stateside I landed a job right away with a new wellness center in my hometown and thus began teaching fitness classes. This was nothing new to me i owned a personal training business in New Zealand and had been teaching classes for nine years.

 My turning point came when i was asked to take over the Pilates classes, "what you mean like teach?" pretty sure those were my words. Horrified and nervous i agreed to the task, I am a Leo, leader of this kingdom it is my duty.For a little over a year I instructed Pilates. I self taught myself the choreography, technique, and watched youtube videos to help with cues and lineage. This class became such a challenge to create and keep creating inspiring workouts, but one of the best classes i personally think I instructed. Soon I became aware that i had come as far as I could with teaching myself. I knew in my heart that there was something to Pilates, I felt them, only by talking the talk I was becoming more centered, more stealth in my jungle, I wanted more. That craving led me to the desicion to become a real life Pilates instructor.

It took me well over a year to decide on a program, but like anything it hit me ,like cumin on the wind in India, and I find myself a student of The Pilates Center ,studying with The Pilates Workshop a licensed studio,and living in San Francisco.

This blog is about my journey to become a great Pilates instructor. Studying classical Pilates, delivering movement, breath, and mindfulness much like Joseph Pilates once did and still does through all of us who share and practice in his work. It is about a women who is finding her breath, connecting with the only body she was given.

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