Monday, January 21, 2013

Hot Bath

My muscles seemed to have melted right off my body as I eased myself from the tub, what a relief.

 It has begun, everything counts, the count down has begun, the journeys road has taken the steep climb up and up, the sun shines down and my breath guides me, its all I want.

So some of you might be wondering why this topic of Pilates is so important to me? I feel I do owe you an explanation of why this route I decided to take in my thirtieth year of life is important and perhaps why you should read my words. My decisions as I stated in a previous post have always been sporadic, impulsive, and out of a lust for something different and perhaps dangerous. I am not saying i regret any of those decisions, no, those decisions led me to meet so many unique and wonderful people, have a huge diversity in employment, circumnavigate the globe a couple of times, and fall in love...a few times. What my meaning is the only thing in life is the constant change we all go through. Some allow this change to happen without ever noticing, some resist, some push harder for change to occur, and some I would dare say the lesser half of our human race mindfully and openly become more aware that the change is in fact taking place.

What does this have to do with Pilates? ( you may be asking yourself)
 Pilates was the change that was taking place in me without me realizing it. I am not referring to Pilates in the physical act of doing here but more of what it stands for (for me anyhow), sorry that might have gotten to heady but bare with me. I am not a person lacking in energy much like the body there is always energy being created right?  where does all that energy go? If there is no guidance that energy is wasted or unused. Much like I lived , all this energy no clear direction or focus on where to put it just bouts of AHHAHAH WHOO HOO THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN, WHATS NEXT!

I taught fitness classes for along time and don't get me wrong I loved that job and loved my peeps who took my classes, but much like my bouts of energy there reached a point with me that I started to feel a dis connect from the fitness its self , my body, and the people who were in my classes body. My energy was calling me to recognize it for something more than just a powerful source of energy for others, it was calling me to go deeper, and go deeper i did when i started on the regular with my pilates practice. I remember the first session i had with one of my wonderful teachers @ the Pilates Workshop. I had been saying to myself "Im strong, i got this no problem" hahah yeah strong in all the superficial points in my body. Pilates for me has become such an eye opener in to the women I hold inside myself and for along time could not access because i had all this superficial strength pulling me outside of my body. For sure its not just the pilates but the other mountains I've climbed and the many wonderful teachers i have had along the way to get me to where i am now, but Pilates is that complete balance. It feeds me and nurtures me, bringing me into to a place where I am quiet yet energized with a clear path for that energy to flow.

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