Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Trial and Reward.

After completing five full days of living, breathing, and dreaming pilates, I am spent. My brain is mush, my body is" unfurling" (my new favorite descriptive word), and I feel different.

Walking back from the studio tonight i was thinking as I was walking, always a good thing as not to get lost or mugged. I was pondering how i could make my walking easier? I was carrying a very heavy shoulder bag and could feel it pulling me in a direction I had just worked to come out of. I was standing at a light and decided to try actually standing in my feet, and GUESS WHAT!? It worked. As i consciously stood my feet into the ground my whole spine decompressed and i was lifted a significant amount onto myself. At that moment the pain in my back released , my abdominals kicked in, and my legs of all things felt lighter. Now of course i still had a mile to go and i was in and out of that ease the whole way but when I had it. it was amazing, the difference my body adjusted I felt lighter, like bones  instead of muscle and tissue were walking through Golden Gate park. 

  I go back to my retail sales job tomorrow where for eight hours I stand and stand and then stand some more, well sometimes i run up and down stairs. I often sneak into the dressing rooms to do spinal roll downs, and on my lunch without fail I stick my legs up in the air and lay on my back, no spider veins for me, not if i can help it anyway. After, exploring and playing with my body at that stop light and during my walk home, i am just curious...Can i practice that same awareness while suiting up a posh princess in a ski "outfit". I feel I am in this never ending story of doing really great work with my body and then I revert back into this tightwad of super fascia muscle tendon tightness, agh.

I can't help but wonder...Why is it so easy to lose the practice of the things that benefit us the most?

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