Thursday, January 24, 2013


 January has been such an epic, amazing, and giving month.

Epic day, EPIC! So I get into work today and the big boss man wants a meeting, insert huge GULP here. Okay, here it is I thought up or down because he's no round and round man. He starts talking about what it means to be a supervisor and looking at me with those piercing blue eyes waiting for a reply, meekly I come to the conclusion he is referring to me and what he now expects out of me since I am now the supervisor!  I leap for joy, I mean how nice is it to be recognized for hard work and be rewarded, it felt great . I am so thankful I work with people who recognize a good employee when they have one.
and on another not the rest of my day went like this:

I left my job feeling fine walking down the street in a straight line
Stopped for a taco got me some chips ordered a beer and took many sips
Called a friend she was selling her bike told her Ill be right there and started the hike
For fifty bones I got a sweet ride and now I'm no longer in a bind
Boarded the train with bike and bags  its hard with flat tires the bike zig zags
Bike on the escalator not so smart almost toppled over not a great start
Arrived at my stop bags and bike in hand around the lake I go its better than i planned
I see the lights from my apartment calling I am the opposite from stalling
My body heat is rising which is not very surprising
Home I have arrived Im feeling quite alive
this poem is getting shorter perhaps next for sure ill hire a porter
What a wonderful day it has been I must lie down to rest my chin
Good night sweet dreams until the sun beams 

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