Thursday, January 31, 2013


 "I dont fucking care what they think, I need 750 dollars and I only have 350 !!!", the guy next to this crazy sad girl wearing too much makeup and stripper shoes for days mumbles something under his breath and it leads to this..." Fuck you I dont fucking care ,when you get mad you slap me up so what the Fuck!!!" word for word this is what I heard on my peaceful walk through the Golden Gate park. Before on that same walk there was a tender moment i witnessed as i was walking next to the childrens park. A father and son were sitting away from the others watching a squirrel, "how cute" I thought to myself. It was cute right up unil the point where i noticed that they were watching the poor squirrel eat a PLASTIC bag. Um hello dad golden opportunity to teach, I looked at him shook my head and headed on my way.

While on this same walk after witnessing a golden moment missed and crazy stripper shoes girl lose her shit, it had me thinking. So many of us want to be in control of something right? correct me if im wrong. We try to control all the things we can't, therefore leading us on a short road to misery, unhappiness, always reacting, reaching, feeling as if were barely hanging on, etc... We put so much energy into trying to control the man in the lane next to us so he wont cut you off, or the person in your life who never seems to say the thing you want to hear, or the flatmate who takes 45min showers and leaves a dirty mug in the sink. Those things listed above, they do not matter but everyday i see someone get so rattled that it takes over their entire existence,myself included but i can say its not as usual as it once was.

What if we put all that wasted energy into the things we absolutly had control over? could we live better more sustainable lives? The only thing any of us have complete control over is ourselves. What  we put in our mouths, how we take a shower, what we wear to bed, how we react to situations, how we make love, how we fight battles, what we choose to do with our bodies (lay around, exercise, mutilate) all of that we can control everything else can be embraced like the wave that takes you down or the speed bump you didn't see coming and your going 30mph, it happens, we move on.

In my opinion Pilates feeds the need to control because there is one rule well for the record its not really a rule but for this purpose thats what im referring to it as, you have to be in control to complete the move properly. If you are not using your brain and maintaining a constant focus on what you are doing it is pointless you might as well be that girl completely out of control gaining nothing or the man letting an educational moment slide, nothing was gained. In Pilates you gain everything when you stay in control and practice that control within yourself no one else, not your surroundings just you and you are rewarded.

Healthy mind, Healthy body you cant have one with out the other.

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